Saturday, September 26, 2009

10 Clues I'm Still American

Thanks to the Talented Foreigner ;) This will most likely have a midwestern slant to it as that be where I hail from *picks hayseed out of hair*

1. I'm nice. I will hold doors, say 'please' and 'thank you', help someone who looks like they could use a hand.

2. I have a strong work ethic. If given a job, I will actually do it quickly and efficiently.

3. I'm friendly. I will ask you how your day was and actually want to hear about it. I may even invite you in for a cup of coffee and cake even though we've only been neighbors for a day and not for years.

4. I love to read. My home is filled with books covering different genres, fiction and non-fiction. Many of these books have never seen the top 10 of a bestseller list.

5. I have clutter. I collect things that touch me - it doesn't have to be modern or perfect or even part of a authorized collection, but it does need to be kindred. And I will show them in my home on any surface available.

6. I'm not afraid of color. Each room in my home has color on the walls and in the furnishings.

7. My cooking actually has flavor and variety. No one has ever left my table hungry and I've never really had to deal with leftovers despite cooking for twice the people that are physically there.

8. I'm not trendy. I don't need the latest fashions or gadgets. If the tv breaks and cannot be repaired, then I'll get a new one. I will not replace it just because a new version came out.

9. I'm independent. I don't need my government to take care of me or tell me what to think. I'll do that for myself, thank you.

10. I like the fact that people are different from me. They don't need to look the same or sound the same in order for me to accept them. The Vulcan race from 'Star Trek' (showing my nerdiness right there) has a motto: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. I believe in our melting pot back home - it makes for a stronger society.


Anonymous said...

LOL at number 7. The Danes need to shed their fear when it comes to using spices :)

Paula said...

I liked this post- I got to know you a little better!

BABS said...

It would be just the same in Finland.


American Girl said...

*crosses Finland off list of places to live*

Khawaga said...

I like no 10! And 1, AND 3, AND 4. Why don't you live near Ã…rhus?

DreaminginDanish said...

Go Trekkies!