A Danish child is put into a government institution at 6 months and is basically kept there as they grow up. Danes believe this is a good thing and think it's normal.
However, I'm not Danish and believe it's the parents' job to raise their children, not the government's. So when the opportunity came to work from home, I took it so I didn't have to keep our son in an institution. I enjoy spending time with the little rascal, it limits his exposure to Danish brainwashing and this also gives him a chance to deal with homework before spending the rest of the day playing. So a few months ago, we withdrew him from the SFO program at his school (SFO is the afterschool institution). This left the Danes at the school very confused. So confused that when we arrived at school this morning, as we do every morning, his locker had been completely cleared out and his name removed.
Evidently, if you don't belong to the government institution at your school, you no longer exist at that school - even if you still go to classes every day and are enrolled in that school.
They got a taste of an American going extremely grumpy this morning and have promised to fix it . . . that's if they can overcome the handicap of having their heads completely devoid of anything resembling common sense and even, heaven forbid, an original thought.
I'm still grumpy . . .
It's quite hard to keep the kids home when both parents are working though...
woah! They didn't even give you a call to ask you what the deal was before emptying his cubby?
ay yay yay.
We've had the old nametag ripped off before now too. They are such fecking idiots.
The whole nametag and locker thing, gah.
You better watch it though, I know of several 'nondane' (i mean, they could be born in Denmark but didn't adhere to the system) families who a) didn't use SFO or b) took care of their own kids until 'late' age or school age...and they were pretty much red flagged by the kommunal workers as being 'up to something' due to not doing what is normal.
And SFO is so crap too, normally really crappy buildings, just a holding cell for the kids. And all those crappy little craft projects. Straight in the bin with them I'd say.
And the number of welfare claimants being forced to work there in order to pick up their cheques.
I know several Danes who call themselves 'alternative' and they leave their kids in SFO until the latest possible hour just so they can hone their own business.
So much hypocrisy.
I think you have done the right thing, especially in terms of limiting the brainwashing. You know, in the old days, the whole SFO culture wasn't the way it was today. A local psychologist who deals with kids in the area once confessed to me that she saw the extreme increase in AD/HD kids to be a product of the system and not down to an actual child having a problem..she said: "Twenty years ago these kids would not have had the same problems!"
I am amazed at how a lot of the idiot pædagogs think they know more about our kids than we do, they are so arrogant and I hope they lose their jobs and have to go clean toilets instead, because they are basically, with that level of intelligence, not qualified to operate heavy machinery or to take care of young minds.
Can you tell I am grumpy today too?
Did I mention that i think 98% of all pædagogs in Denmark are total effing idiots?
I just had to make sure we have that straight.
It's an 'easy ride' job people take when they wish they were capable of something greater, but face facts and just go for what they can definitely do.
@thewriter It comes in handy if there are no relatives (i.e, Grandma) for after school, but it's a last resort if both parents need to work.
@dreamingindanish No phone calls - just showed up and he was all gone. Poor little guy looked a little upset about it as well :(
Welcome to the grumpy club Babs lol
It's one of the many reasons I don't want him at SFO. Everytime I went to pick him up, most of the caretakers would be drinking coffee and yakking, kids running wild all over the place (both inside and outside). They have playstations now so most of the time, he and his friends would be sitting on their butts doing that. Only one of the ladies working there actually cared and she couldn't be everywhere at all times. I also didn't like the behavior I was starting to see from my son. My danish husband agreed with me to a point as he never went to SFO as a kid, and to be honest, our son would rather come home than stay there . . .so we stopped. He goes to music school and karate lessons, we're looking into swimming lessons for him and he's now got lots of time to explore his interests as well as play with friends.
We are 'up to something' - we're raising our son ourselves, I refuse to stop thinking for myself and become Danish, my son is learning to respect others as well as himself, and to be ambitious for whatever goals he wishes to try for (and not become Danish), and my husband is planning to get involved (i.e, arrested) with the climate thingie next month (though his danishness does pop out every now and then - makes me crazy lol). Methinks the government needs to give us that 100K (each) to get our subversiveness out of the country.
btw, they did try at the most recent parent-teacher meeting to tell us that our son really wanted to go back to SFO and that it would be really good for him. For some reason, though, he's not brought up the subject and even told the school nurse at today's meeting that he likes going home after school lol
What frigging idiots! Honestly, you do one slight thing that deviates from the normal routine and they fall to pieces. One would think maybe they're robots, although I can't really imagine a machine that chain smokes, so probably not.
Grumpy is good.
Oh yeah, I mean, they Do just sit around drinking coffee and yakking. The kids ARE huddled round the playstations or running wild. The pædagogs take what would be a simple task and they stretch it into a 'big job'.
However, it must also be noted that a lot of people who were supposed to be working as pædagogs (or pædagog 'helpers') are now being employed by the poxy government to take the very youngest kids who are now being thrown out of børnehaven much younger and into SFO holding cells.
They are supposed to be getting used to school, but it is the cheap cheap option.
Plus lots of sfo pædagogs are being forced to help the kids with homework or extra lessons.. It is a joke.
I appreciate your husband. If he does get arrested and fined, let me know, because I will go without chocolate for amonth and pay a segment of what the government is going to illegally fine him.
Oh but I guess I better be careful. Offering to pay someones fine before they commit the 'offense' of freedom of speech is probably seen as inciting a riot.
Ho hum,
oh well,
what the fcuk.
Yes totally A.G. We have a nice one, but even so. I hate it. Hope to work up the organization to be able to stop it.
And in general, on Danish institutional child-rearing practices - yeeughhh! I am very, very happy that we were able to make sure that none of our children went to any kind of daycare till they *began* at three. They were in the home - or at their friends' houses, with their mums - with their own loving family and helpers. Playing, and growing up secure and happy, and loved.
Of course, we couldn't have done that here. But we were very fortunate to be somewhere where we could do it, and everybody did it. I wish we'd never left!!
And - last gripe - much of Danish children's sheer awful, awful bad manners and dreadful habits I am sure comes from the fact that they didn't get that. I feel sorry for them. Luckily, mine got something better.
Nervous cough - that sounds a bit unappetising. But as a mum you will know what I mean.
Right that's it. I am gonna give ya chinese burns if you don't blog soon.
No pressure.
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